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About Us

We are team 6448 from New Orleans, Louisiana.  Our team is based out of Jesuit High School and this is our third year in the FTC program.  Our team is composed of 5 Juniors, 1 Sophomore, 2 Freshman, and 1 Pre-freshman. Our team also has 3 mentors: 2 who are practicing engineers, and one who is a physics teacher at our school.  Together our team splits into specific groups that consist of programming, building, outreach, and logging our engineering notebook.  We all meet about three times a week for approximately three hours at a time.  Besides being a part of the robotics team at our school our members are also part of the Baseball Team, Mock Trial Team, Track Team, Video Games Club, Frisbee Golf Club, Programming Club, National Honor Society, and even the Spanish Club.

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